Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Birthday

This is out of order but it has to be in here.

My 57th birthday was the best ever, my friends set me up for a surprise birthday party, Marie started setting me up like three weeks before hand, I was supposed to pick up LouAnne at the foot doctors office because Marie may still be up in Bullhead working, so i went down to pick LouAnne up a little before 5pm, i am almost always on time or before, I pulled into the parking lot and they were no cars there at all but when i say i am going to do something i do it, i think it was about 10 after and here comes LouAnne driving up, she gets out and starts telling me the foot was not as bad as they thought so she got out early and went to the pharmacy to pick up meds but now she needed to take them with food and could not wait for dinner (Marie was going to take me to dinner for my birthday)so she rode with me to a pizza house, again no cars in the parking lot, went in and surprise, they totally got me, it was great.

After we went to coffee at starbucks for a little while, then we went to B.J's bar Marie and myself played four games of pool, when we were leaving this women that had made a remark about me when she walked in with friends tried to get us to dance with her but we had to go, so she asked for a picture with us then she wanted an email address so i gave her my card, we left the bar LouAnne and Marie went home and i did too, about 1am i got this phone call and it was that women, she wanted me and my girl friends to come down to her house and party, well i knew that my friends would not want to go so she said i could just go and i did, i had a nice time, my first lesbian sex ever.

Best birthday ever.

2 Years

You know it's only 2 years that i have known that i was a transsexual, 2 years and i look back at all that i have done in those 2 years and how my life has changed, what will happen in the next 2 years.

So what am i going to do, well one is i will be moving sometime, don't know where to but it will be to somewhere that i can be more social, no more living out in the boondocks for me. I have a lot of work to do on my voice, I have to learn how to dance, how to cook much better, do my makeup and hair better, start getting some nice outfits and this is the biggest thing i think i need to do, that is learn how to sell myself as a person that people will like.

Going Good

Up until the last post things have been going really good, I guess the more i do the more chances there are for things to go wrong, I have been so busy that i have not updated this in a while, life is really looking up like last Saturday night, one of my girl friends was in town visiting one of her boy friends, i met up with them at a bar, we all went to another one, then at closing we went to Lenny's then to they house where i had the first ever three some with a man and a women, wasn't the best, you know how guys are after drinking.

Then there was the dinner date that i got stood up on.

Next week i have a date in Vegas, this one is just for sex only, can't wait.

I have another women that wants me bad, haven't set up a date yet.

November i have kind of a date in Phoenix who i will be showing the ropes too, they are only 21.

I am not going to waist the few years i have left.

Stood Up

So last night i had a dinner date with a woman at a local restaurant which is also part owned by somebody i know, I was on time as always, went in and got a table, told the hostess i was waiting for a friend, after 15 minutes i ordered a glass of wine and waited, I noticed the part owner sitting at the bar so i went over to talk to him and say hi, before going back to my table i mentioned i was waiting for somebody. After waiting 45 minutes i had to make a decision on whether to just pay for my wine and leave or have dinner anyway which is what i did.

I know i had nothing to be embarrassed about but it is embarrassing to be stood up and it hurts, still does today and makes you feel like crap, the good thing about the whole thing is i had a nice dinner, was even too much for me to eat so so i just finished the left overs today at work, another good thing is maybe i won't feel so bad about going out to eat by myself now.

Is it normal for me not to want anybody to find out that i got stood up, embarrassed, the guy i know could tell people, oh well that's life.

The women did message me back after i messaged her, she was very apologetic about the confusion, i guess i will try again, i really do want to meet her, it took a month to set up that date.