Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Forget the Bra

I was kind of in a rush this morning getting ready to leave the house for work when I noticed some thing felt different under my shirt, the little girls were loose, so I went back in the house and put on my sports bra, I did this once before, one night going to Marie's for taco's I completely forgot the bra but the difference was that I made it all the way there before I noticed I didn't have any boobs so that tells me I am getting used to wearing bras, the only time I don't wear one now is at home and not even that much at home, I think that if they ever get bigger I don't think I will be able to forget the bra.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's going on with me

I have not blogged for a while because I have not been doing anything much different, life has been good for me with very flew problems, I am still doing a lot of paper work but even that has gotten routine. I am still dressing 24/7 with no problems, Oh I do have that one thing I can't do any thing about yet and that is the hair, I have not tried it at work again, I do need some hair care products yet so I can make it look better.

I have started going to work in a dress or skirt and then changing into my work uniform at work instead of putting my uniform on at work and have had no problems with that, I did catch one of the guys trying to look up my dress when I was going up stairs.

I am still going to Marie's house on Tuesdays nights, going to Starbucks and the Finish line bar on Thursdays nights when I am not working and anything else I can get into.

I am also getting ready to got to Phoenix next month for my nose job, that's one thing I will be glad when it's done, I am only taking two weeks off after with a nice easy back to work two day schedule and then another 4 days off after.

The biggest news I have is that I have my date for SRS which is July 2010, payed my deposit and everything, that's 10 months and 1 week away, so I will be saving my pennies for that and electrolysis which is going to cut down the fun for awhile but is going to be well worth it.

coming up on the six month mark for hormones, the nipples have stopped itching, have put on about a half inch up top and my butt is getting bigger, body hair seems to be getting lighter, I think my face is changing but it is so hard to tell, it could be just the electrolysis.

That's all I have for now. Susan

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Know When I am Beat

It was another long week, Saturday and Sunday I worked, Monday I drove to Phoenix, went to see a new Doctor and then to see Mary my therapist, Tuesday and Wednesday I had about 28 hours of electrolysis with Maria, Thursday I went to pickup my paper work for my nose job next month, next to my second session for my permanent eyeliner and after lunch I went to get my new hair, after I had a bite to eat with Jen and Maria and the last thing of the trip was to go to Mary's group.
It was a busy week but I got a lot of things done, one of the most important was seeing every body I got to see I just wish I could have gotten to see everybody,
Special thanks to Jennifer for letting me stay with her again and it was great talking to her, girls with guns.
The next day did not go so well, I went to work with my new hair and dressed as much as a girl as I could, the hair was just not cooperating with me, it would not stay anywhere I tried to put it, it just looked terrible, the Chief didn't say anything, actuality nobody said anything,they didn't need to, I was lucky I did not have any calls to go to so nobody outside of work saw me, the tape on the sides didn't hold at all and when I took it off later the top tape was barely holding so the hair was a wash, It was embarrassing, a very big disappointment and you have no idea how bad I felt Friday night, Saturday I went back to my normal dress, I still felt bad but I was able to get my work done, I was very unsociable all weekend, it's really hard to talk to people when you feel that bad. so back to the drawing board.
Today was a recover day from not being home for 8 days and I am feeling a little better.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hormone Results

On hormones 5 months now, I did an update about 2 weeks ago but I forgot something, I asked people when I first started what was the difference between a males sex drive and a females sex drive, nobody could tell me, I am not sure but I think that part of me is changing too, when I first started this even before I started hormones the male sex drive had gone to nothing, if I wanted to check and see if things were still working down there I had to work at it, now for the past 3 weeks I have been getting little tingles down there when not really thinking of too much and then when I do take care of it 3 things happen to me which is all girl, that I am not going to say on here but if you really want to know I will tell you one on one, all I will say it's fun, wonderful and just so nice to know I could feel this way, the bad part is that SRS is still a long ways away.
I will leave you with that for now, I will be away from the computer for the next week going to phoenix to get work done and see my friends. Susan